Through political science at Wilkes, you’ll examine world governments as well as their 成长、进化和衰落. 深入研究政府结构,决策和 冲突管理. 通过磨练为各种职业可能性做好准备 你的分析和解决问题的能力.


项目类型 Format 学分
大,小 在校园 120(未成年人18)


Our small class size means big opportunities for political science students. 除了 to superb instruction in class, you can work one-on-one with faculty mentors. 合作 with faculty on their research and get guidance tailored to you for your senior capstone 项目.

Wilkes-Barre is the seat of government for Luzerne County, providing access to internships with the district attorney, public defender and county judiciary, as well as experience 联邦,州和地方的政治运动.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜’s proximity to New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. gives you the potential to explore internships in larger settings as well. 不管你想要 to experience county government or the nation’s capital, Wilkes will help you find a way.


  • Explore politics and government structures from a variety of angles.
  • 以逻辑分析的方式审视复杂的人类问题.
  • Practice survey research methods and learn to develop and interpret data.
  • Develop communication skills that will allow you to present ideas clearly and persuasively.



Political science majors have the unique opportunity to study in Costa Rica for a week as part of a class called The Political Economy of Coffee or Ecotourism Development.


You’ll learn outside the classroom during trips to the Supreme Court and other sites 在华盛顿特区.C. 你也可以报名参加每年春季学期的模拟联合国之旅.


You can combine your political science major with a double major or a minor in secondary education, sharing your love of learning with the next generation of students.

教授相信你,看到你的潜力. 当你上法学院的时候,你 要走在潮流的前面.




programs let you earn a bachelor's degree and law degree in just six years


students who work with a pre-law advisor are admitted to at least one law school


Our program's faculty are experts in their specialties, providing hands-on mentoring 帮助你实现你未来的学术和职业成功.


Dr. 本杰明·托尔专门研究美国政治. 他获得了博士学位 from Indiana University, Bloomington in 2015 and a MA from the J.M. 道森研究所 贝勒大学教会与州立研究的教授. 他教美国入门 Politics and a variety of upper-level classes in American politics. 他也教 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的犯罪学课程.

Toll's research focuses on religion's impact on American politics, communications 精英和公众之间的关系,以及我们如何回应精英. 他经常评论 on local and statewide elections for press locally, nationally, and internationally. His favorite was during the 2020 campaign when in the course of one week he interviewed with a German 报纸, Finnish radio station, British television station and Japanese 报纸.

在不教学或做研究的时候. 托尔喜欢和家人在一起 which consists of four kids, five toads, two fish, one dog and one wife. 他的教练 youth soccer (because he has to), and youth softball and baseball (because he likes it).

Dr. Toll also serves on a statewide citizen's review panel that looks at child welfare policy and makes recommendations to the state Office of Children, Youth, and Family 关于最佳实践. His experience working in a juvenile detention facility, working with at-risk teenagers, policy knowledge and six years as a foster parent makes that 非常适合社区参与.


Dr. Andrew P. Miller is an 副教授 of 政治科学 and Coordinator 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜国际关系项目的主任. Dr. 米勒获得了政治学学士学位 Science from Illinois College, an MA in 政治科学 from Illinois State University 以及普渡大学政治学博士学位. 他的教学和研究兴趣 focus on economic development in Latin America, specifically the politics of the coffee 产业和旅游业的经济发展潜力. 他是三本书的作者 books on development issues in Central America with a fourth due to publish in the 2023年夏天. He lives in Laflin with his wife Christy and enjoys traveling and 看体育比赛.


Dr. 罗伯特·斯利 earned his BA in Economics from Franklin and Marshall College and 在马里兰大学获得经济学博士学位. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜任职期间, he has served as Chair of the Department of Business Administration and Economics, Director of the Master of Business 管理程序, and Director of the Master of Health 管理程序. Dr. 斯雷对经济学特别感兴趣 labor markets (Labor Economics), tax policy (Public Finance), the earnings of professional and collegiate athletes (Economics of Sports), health policy (The Economics of Health 关怀)和犯罪经济学.


Dr. 凯尔·罗斯 specializes in the study of public law and the Supreme Court. He 在天普大学获得博士学位. 他教授刑法,法律与社会, 与宪法. 此外,Dr。. 克雷德与人合著了四本关于投票的书 权利及选举改革. 在不教学或写作的时候. Kreider花时间 和他的家人还有他的两只金毛猎犬. 他喜欢看棒球、足球 和真实犯罪电视.


Dr. Andreea Maierean is an 副教授 of 政治科学 and the Study 国外导演. She received her PhD in 政治科学 from Boston University. She previously studied in Bucharest, Romania at the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration; in Trieste, Italy, at the University of Trieste; in Budapest, Hungary, at Central European University; and in Vienna, Austria, at the Institute 人文科学. Her research and teaching interests include post-communist transitions 敬民主,过渡时期司法和环境政策.


The American Bar Association does not require any particular course of study prior to law school, though a BA in political science from Wilkes provides a solid foundation with rigorous coursework that will give you an advantage over many of your law school 同学们.

The pre-law advisor will assist you with law school preparation and admission, while the program offers access to internships, guest speakers and law school visits.



职业生涯 & 结果


  • 律师
  • 老师
  • 记者
  • 法律助理
  • 政治竞选工作人员
  • 政策分析
  • 公共关系专员
  • 对外联络部主任
  • 说客
  • 新闻助手
  • 非牟利发展主任


  • 哥伦比亚大学
  • 服务业雇员国际工会(SEIU)
  • 威斯康星大学斯托特分校
  • 宾夕法尼亚州的马西法
  • 格伦米尔斯学校(PA)
  • Susan B. 安东尼列表
  • 佳利律师事务所
  • 卢茨和佩蒂律师事务所
  • 卢塞恩县公设辩护律师办公室
  • 卢塞恩县地方检察官办公室
  • 伯克希尔哈撒韦卫士保险


  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学法律
  • 德雷塞尔大学托马斯. 克莱恩法学院
  • 威德纳法联邦
  • 威德纳大学-特拉华州
  • 匹兹堡大学法学院
  • 纽约大学法律
  • 美国华盛顿大学法学院
  • 迪肯大学法学院
  • 加州大学欧文分校
  • 科罗拉多州立大学
  • 天普大学
  • 乔治敦大学
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学
  • 维拉诺瓦大学